
Community blog and recent blog authors at Crif - Conseil Représentatif des Institutions Juives de France.
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Jewish boy attacked in Paris suburb for wearing kippah

13 July 2015

Six men beat and rob 13-year-old in latest anti-Semitic incident in France.

Israeli caricaturists mobilize to fight BDS via Facebook

13 July 2015

A group of Israli caricaturists IS posting sarcastic caricatures to expose BDS supporters' hypocrisy.

France jails Islamic group leader after raids reveal plans targeting Jews

13 July 2015

The ruling comes six months after Islamist militants killed 17 people in attacks on the Charlie Hebdo newspaper and a Jewish shop.

Lauder: The lesson from Srebrenica is that we can't stand by when people are butchered

10 July 2015

WJC President called on the world to do more against the on-going slaughter of innocent people in many countries, notably in the Middle East. 

PM Netanyahu's Statement on the Two Israelis who Crossed into Gaza

10 July 2015

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued the following statement:

The Greek Jewish community of about 5,000 concerned with economic turmoil

10 July 2015

Amid their country’s financial crisis, Greek Jews struggle and brace for more turmoil.
