Published on 16 July 2015

Poll: 74% of Israelis say deal won't stop nuclear Iran

69% are against the deal.

By Gil Hoffman and Lahav Harkov, published in the Jerusalem Post July 15, 2015
The first poll taken in Israel following the Iranian nuclear deal found that 74 percent of Israelis do not believe it will prevent the Islamic Republic from obtaining nuclear weapons, 10% think it will and 16% do not know, according to the survey taken Wednesday by the Sarid Institute for Channel 10.
The poll, of a statistical sample of Israelis, found that 69% are against the deal, 10% are in favor and 21% do not know. One-third of respondents said Israel should attack Iran in the wake of the deal, 40% said they were against an Israeli strike and 28% do not know.... Read more.
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