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Crif - #NYC2024: Meeting UN Secretary-General António Guterres

11 March 2024
This meeting with António Guterres was an opportunity to highlight the UN's inadequate approach towards Israel following the October 7 massacre and the organization's late and imperfect response to sexual crimes committed by Hamas terrorists.

Crif - J7 in Paris: Crif welcomes representatives of the seven largest Jewish communities in the world

02 January 2024
Under the leadership of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the world's seven major Jewish organizations formed the J7, a working group against antisemitism. In December, the group met in person for the first time, in Paris.

World Jewish Congress - President Ronald Lauder led a delegation in Qatar

02 November 2023
During these high-level meetings, Mr. Lauder articulated the profound concerns of global Jewry regarding the plight of Israeli hostages in Gaza, seeking the influential intervention of the Arab leaders to secure their unconditional release.

Crif - Survey: "Attitudes in France towards Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict following the terrorist attacks of October 7"

31 October 2023
Crif presents the main results of a survey carried out by IFOP on "Attitudes of French people towards Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict following the terrorist attacks of October 7". A number of key points emerge from the survey, including the support of a majority of French people for Israel's desire to eliminate Hamas. The poll also shows that the French fear the conflict could be imported into France.

Crif - Special Envoys and Coordinators Combating Antisemitism (SECCA) met in Paris

26 October 2023
On Tuesday October 24, Special envoys and coordinators for the fight against antisemitism met in Paris under the aegis of the World Jewish Congress, the European Commission and UNESCO.

Crif - "Israel will win, and Israel will live!": Thirty five thousand people in Paris to show support for Israel

11 October 2023
Following the Hamas attack in Israel, Crif has called for a rally of support for the Israeli people. On October 9, 35,000 people gathered to express their solidarity with the Israeli people and to pay their respects.
