Published on 5 July 2024

French legislative elections: Let's remain faithful to Republican values

Faithful to the history of our institutions and the spirit of Judaism, we do not agree to associate with those who tend to exclude or stigmatize our neighbors, as well as with those who set our society ablaze by propagating hatred and antisemitism or so called anti-Zionism.

Paris, July 5, 2024

Let's remain faithful to Republican values


Sunday, July 7, France will decide its future during the 2nd round of the legislative elections. At the ballot box, all of us, citizens, will write our destiny.

Faithful to the history of our institutions and the spirit of Judaism, we do not agree to associate with those who tend to exclude or stigmatize our neighbors, as well as with those who set our society ablaze by propagating hatred and antisemitism or so called anti-Zionism.

No, populism or nationalism have never in history been a bulwark against antisemitism nor have they brought peace and serenity.

No, antisemitism is neither “residual” nor “contextual” as some have dared to assert.

To give the country the possibility of public action and rediscover the hope of saving perspectives, we are choosing the universal and humanist values ​​which are at the heart of Judaism, as well as our republican pact. In conscience, we believe that this cannot be done today either with the RN or with LFI.

Whatever the outcome of the vote, the increase in violent acts against Jews, particularly since October 7, will have to be taken into account and public policies strengthened to obtain more concrete results in the fight against antisemitism and to so that the Jews regain the serenity to which they are fully entitled. The security of Jews and in general of all citizens, as well as the full preservation of freedom of worship as offered by secularism, must be essential battles of the Republic.

So that France, land of enlightenment and human rights, remains faithful to its noble tradition and can always defend law and freedom,

So that France can live happily and prosperously,

So that we all can continue to live in fraternity and solidarity,

On Sunday, let's make our choice consciously and responsibly, to enlighten our future.


Yonathan Arfi, President of Crif, Ariel Goldmann, President of the FSJU, Elie Korchia, President of the Central Consistory, Haïm Korsia, Chief Rabbi of France