Published on 28 June 2024

Find out about ADL Campus Antisemitism Report Card

ADL’s Campus Antisemitism Report Card is a tool for students, parents, alumni, college faculty, guidance counselors, admissions consultants and other stakeholders.

ADL's goal is to serve students and their families looking for information about the current state of antisemitism on campus and how particular universities and colleges are responding.

ADL produced this Report Card during a time of incredible volatility on college campuses. It takes the temperature at a moment in time and provides a roadmap for improving campus climate. This is Report Card version 1.0 and should be used in concert with other tools when making decisions about college.

The analysis combines objective data with certain subjective impressions and analysis as well as our beliefs about how to weigh different factors. Reasonable people may disagree with these decisions.

The cards presented on the website provide campus snapshots.

