Olivier Rafowicz

Colonel de réserve de Tsahal - Expert militaire - Ancien porte parole de Tsahal

Accord avec l'Iran: J'accuse !

16 July 2015 | 966 vue(s)
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Après notre étude sur les Juifs de Finlande, voici, comme convenu et pour coller à l’actualité qui fait que le conflit russo-ukrainien est en train de s’étendre à d’autres pays, un regard sur les Juifs de Suède.

Dès le début de l’offensive russe contre l’Ukraine, nous avons, le 23 février dernier, proposé à nos lecteurs, une étude sur les Juifs d’Ukraine. Depuis quelques jours, le conflit semble s’étendre à deux autres pays, la Finlande et la Suède. Nous vous proposons de découvrir les communautés juives de ces deux pays. Aujourd’hui, les Juifs de Finlande.


Iran's Ayatollahs were behind the bloody attack that hit the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires in 1994 that killed 84 and injured 230.

Iran is also behind the attack in Burgas, the resort in Bulgaria that resulted in several deaths. In fact, Iran is behind dozens of bombings and killings throughout the world that have targeted and continue to target Jewish, Israeli and western interests. These same Iranian mullahs and ayatollahs who promote the Islamic revolution are engaged in an open war against Israel. Iran is among the most corrupt states in the world and has empowered a handful of clerics who have enriched themselves for years on the grounds that they hold the "Truth" and use a fundamentalist Shiite Islamist ideology. 

Since the revolution in 1979, Iran has supported terrorism through its proxies like Hizbollah, amongst others. Iran also uses their special forces that are attached to the foreign service of the Iranian intelligence unit to increase their sphere of influence to perpetrate numerous attacks and are willing to become a major power in the Middle East and beyond. Imad Mugniyeh, the mega terrorist, who was killed in mysterious circumstances in Damascus, was one of the commanders of the Iranian external branch for military and terror attacks abroad. By the way, the Iranian foreign minister, Zarif, paid his respects at Mugniyeh’s grave two months ago. This same man, who is charged with signing an agreement with the west, has given full respect to a man who has French, American and Israeli blood on his hands.

Iran has a long arm, reaching as far as the Argentine State Prosecutor Alberto Nisman who formally accused the Iranian government of being behind the attack in Buenos Aires in 1994. He was the author of a report that indicted Hezbollah and was found dead in his apartment in January 2015 due to mysterious circumstances. He had issued an international arrest warrant against several senior Iranian officials, including former President Akbar Hashemi  Rafsanjani.

I acknowledge that today the West has to deal with the Islamo-fascist regime that continues to declare loud and clear that they want the total destruction of the Jewish state.

I accuse the major powers who do not want to acknowledge that Iran is a terrorist state that creates dangerous conditions for the State of Israel and the West – this agreement allows the major world powers to prefer economic and financial windfalls from activity in Iran and would rather use this state as their tool to fight ISIS, mostly in Iraq.

 It is not just the responsibility of all the Jews in the world who love Israel but of all democrats, to acknowledge the absurd and dangerous policy of seeking an agreement at any price with a State that does not change their way of thinking and has installed a regime and form of government that continues to want to destroy the only democracy in the Middle East and the only Jewish state in the world.

I accuse the big powers who want to believe that further remote control of the Iranian nuclear programme is possible and that the worst can be avoided, of being naive. As long as Iran is a dictatorship  that continues to stone adulterous women, which condemns homosexuals  to death, sends suicide bombers to blow themselves up in Jewish community centers or on buses carrying Israeli tourists and have hundreds or even thousands of Shiite suicide bombers ready to blow themselves up in restaurants and public places, this country cannot be worth signing an agreement  with.  From a nuclear and military perspective, men who dream of destroying the Jewish state should not be allowed to be partners to sign a credible agreement.

I accuse them of naivety, or at least being naive when it comes to wanting an agreement at any price with a regime that wants to destroy the state of Israel at all costs. It is difficult at present to know what the consequences of the nuclear deal will be for Israel and the region but it is clear that Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and even Turkey and the State of Israel are starting to live in a much more dangerous era from today where the West will give carte blanche to the regime of mullahs who will undoubtedly continue their expansionary course and hegemony in the region. Today, Tehran controls Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut, Sanaa and Gaza.

If tomorrow, the region becomes inflamed due to an agreement with the Devil, Israel will be directly affected and the appropriate solution that should be adopted will come certainly from Jerusalem or at least in conjunction with the Jewish capital. The foreign ministers of major powers will certainly leave Vienna with the smile of those men who think they have negotiated a good deal. The Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs will certainly be the only one that will have a real reason to smile.

In Israel, we do not smile. We know that only the State of Israel, its army,its government and the God of Israel is and will always be the guarantor of our security. God Bless Israel.

Olivier Rafowicz