Communiqués de presse

Press releases
Published on 27 March 2023

Press release - Crisis in Israel

As the crisis in Israel worsens, Crif reaffirms its absolute commitment to the democratic principles of the State of Israel and its unity.
Press releases
Published on 16 December 2020

Press release - Crif welcomes establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and Morocco

For Crif President Francis Kalifat: "This announcement is excellent news for all those who have peace in the Middle East at heart."
Press releases
Published on 15 June 2020

Press Release - Crif strongly denounces the antisemitic shouts uttered during the demonstration held in Paris

During the demonstration held on Saturday afternoon in the Place de la République in Paris, shouts of " Sales Juifs " (dirty Jews) were uttered, recorded and broadcasted on social networks.
Press releases
Published on 12 June 2020

Press Release - The European Court of Human Rights justifies the Boycott of Israel

On Thursday, June 11, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) condemned France in a case of calls to boycott Israeli products. In this case, activists were convicted for inciting economic discrimination against people because of their nationality. This ECHR decision contradicts the case law of the Court of Cassation. Crif regrets this decision.
Press releases
Published on 26 December 2019

Press release - Court judges Legal irresponsibility of the murderer of Sarah Halimi

The Paris Court of Appeal announced that the murderer of Sarah Halimi has not been held criminally responsible. Crif expresses its dismay and indignation.
Press releases
Published on 17 December 2019

Crif - Press Release in reaction to the nauseating remarks of Mr. Mélenchon

For Francis Kalifat, President of Crif, "the inadmissible remarks of a drifting Mélenchon eager for media visibility are inspired by a vichyst rhetoric of the Jewish conspiracy. Would Doriot be the new mentor of Mélenchon?"
Press releases
Published on 4 December 2019

Press Release - Adoption by the French National Assembly of the IHRA definition

Tuesday, December 3, the motion for a resolution to fight against antisemitism by redefining antisemitism as defined by the IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance), was adopted by the National Assembly. Crif welcomes this decision.
Press releases
Published on 10 October 2019

Crif - Press release following the Halle antisemitic attack

"This attack must challenge the European countries on the violence and sometimes the terrorist drifts of antisemitic, racist and xenophobic groups."
Press releases
Published on 12 December 2017

#Crif - Press release followig Donal Trump statement on Jerusalem

Crif praises the historic decision of US President Donald Trump to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the state of Israel, and the upcoming transfer of the US Embassy.
Press releases
Published on 3 November 2017

#Crif - Press release after Toulouse-Montauban trial verdict

Abdelkader Merah was sentenced to 20 years in prison for criminal conspiracy in connection with a terrorist enterprise.
This week most read articles

News feed

The Consulate General of France in New York presents “The Challenges Facing the Jewish Community in France”

13 April 2014

The CRIF will send a delegation to the AJC convention in Washington. During one week President Roger Cukierman and the delegation will visit the American Jewish leaders in New York and Washington. They will also meet with French Ambassadors to the UN and to the USA.

Roger Cukierman will also participate in two round tables at the AJC convention.

Prochainement à la Médiathèque Alliance Baron Edmond de Rothschild

14 March 2014

« L'exil des musiciens européens (1939-1945) »

L’Association ProQuartet et la Médiathèque Alliance Baron Edmond de Rothschild vous proposent, dans le cadre du projet Esther, un cycle de redécouverte et de réhabilitation de compositeurs victimes des politiques d’exclusion des années 1933 à 1945. Concerts, projections, exposition, tables rondes permettront de porter un regard sur le destin de musiciens, juifs pour la plupart d’entre eux, contraints à l‘exil dans la période la plus sombre de l’histoire européenne, et d’engager une réflexion sur les questions de l’identité culturelle et de la transmission. 

Lundi 24 mars 2014, 19 heures

Projection du documentaire « Les Musiciens du quatuor »

Suivie d’une table ronde, Musiciens viennois : exil et transmission

Malcom Hoenlein and Richard Prasquier on The John Batchelor Show

05 April 2012

Richard Prasquier, CRIF and Malcolm Hoenlein, Conference of Presidents, speak together on May the 30th at the French Consulate Conference, in New York, listen to  radio interview on Thursday, 3/22/12 on The John Batchelor Show, ITW. 

Guests: Co-Host Malcolm Hoenlein, Conference of Presidents; Michael Widlanski, author; Commissioner Ray Kelly, NYPD; Richard Prasquier, CRIF.

Richard Prasquier speaks at 30 minutes.

Eve Gani, delegate of Crif for international affairs and relations with muslims published on the Guardian

02 April 2012


On this article, Eve Gani provides her view of Toulouse's tragedy.

Read the article by clicking here.

Terrorist killings in Toulouse and Montauban: CRIF activates its crisis room

02 April 2012


From the first minutes following the tragedy of Toulouse the Crisis room of CRIF has been activated.Presence among the relatives of victims, public expression, organization or participation on various events, relations with public authorities, all leaders of CRIF's regional and national who have been involved during this period.

The links below are in french.

Toulouse's tragedy: Crif on international press

02 April 2012

Crif proposes you a selection of three articles issued on international press about the tragedy occured in Toulouse and Montauban and the action of the crif during this period.
