Published on 8 September 2015

Marion Maréchal-Le Pen invited by the Diocese of Fréjus (Catholic chapter in the South of France): CRIF reaction on TV

"We don’t agree at all with this invitation, and we consider it is a mistake", said CRIF’s Vice President Francis Kalifat.
François Clavairoly, President of the Protestant Federation of France, Dalil Boubakeur, rector of the Paris Mosque and Francis Kalifat, vice president of CRIF, were interviewed on TV Channel LCI following the announcement of the invitation of Marion Maréchal- Le Pen at a Catholic Summer Schools, organized by the diocese of Fréjus, in the Var department. 
This is the first time a member of the National Front is invited by the Church. "We don’t agree at all with this invitation, and we consider it is a mistake", said CRIF’s Vice President Francis Kalifat.