Published on 13 July 2015

Jewish boy attacked in Paris suburb for wearing kippah

Six men beat and rob 13-year-old in latest anti-Semitic incident in France.

By Tali Farkash, published in Yedioth Aharonot July 12, 2015
A religious young man was attacked for wearing a kippah in Paris. The motive behind the attack was anti-Semitic: The perpetrators of the attack called out, "hit the dirty Jew." One of the attackers stole the victim's cell phone before fleeing the scene. According to reports in Jewish Paris, the local police have arrested one suspect in connection with the attack.
The 13-year-old boy was attacked by six men, reportedly of African decent, while he was outside of school in Paris's 19th district – and was taken to a hospital while suffering from head wounds... Read more.