Published on 27 October 2015

Book Fair in the 6th National Convention of CRIF

You're welcome to meet the authors present at our 6th Convention.

This year, for the first time there will be a book fair at the Convention of CRIF.
We provided an open space for the fair. It will be led by Deborah and the BIBLIEUROPE staff.
An interactive library will offer a selection of essential works and many surprises.
You can freely exchange with authors who are literary news and prolong discussions with stakeholders.
At thIS CRIF 1st Book Fair, you will meet:
Alexandre ADLER ; Jean-Pierre ALLALI ; Yael AZOULAY ; Renée BIRMAN ; Jean-Claude CASANOVA ; Denis CHARBIT ; Alain CHOURAQUI ; Nellu COHN ; Ariel DANAN ; Jonathan DEMAYO ; Michaël DE SAINT-CHERON ; Roger-Paul DROIT ; Frédéric ENCEL ; Didier EPELBAUM ; Gérard FELLOUS ; Georges FENECH ; Luc FERRY ; Emilie FRECHE ; Martine GOZLAN ; Alain GRANAT ; Frédéric HAZIZA ; Yaël HIRSCH ; Delphine HORVILLEUR ; Yves-Victor KAMAMI ; Marc KNOBEL ; Alexandra LAIGNEL-LAVASTINE ; Dominique MOISI ; Jean-Jacques MOSCOVITZ ; Philippe ORIOL ; Livia PARNES ; Daniella PINKSTEIN ; Elisabeth ROUDINESCO ; David SAADA ; Mohamed SIFAOUI ; Antoine SPIRE ; Thomas STERN ; Lionel STOLERU ; Sandrine SZWARC ; Jacques TARNERO ; Michel TAUBMAN ; Michèle TRIBALA ;  Philippe VAL ; Stéphane WAHNICH ; Clément WEIL REYNAL.