Published on 8 September 2015

Mosque burned in Auch - CRIF is outraged by the arson that destroyed the Mosque of Auch

Press release

According to Roger Cukierman, "all places of worship are sacred. France cannot and should not accept attacks against places of worship, churches, temples, mosques or synagogues. The government must confront those who perpetuate these heinous crimes. "
CRIF addressed a message of support and friendship to the Muslim community of France.
Press release of the CFCM, French Council of the Muslim Faith
Anouar KBIBECH, President of the French Council of the Muslim Faith, issued this statement: 
"The Mosque of Auch was heavily damaged by fire in the night from Saturday to Sunday. According to the latest statements of the Prosecutor of the Republic, criminal and malevolent intention seems established behind this sinister.
This new, intolerable attack against a mosque, a place of prayer and peace, comes just two weeks after the Molotov cocktail attack that targeted the Mosque of Merignac.
This confirms once again the alarming increase of Islamophobic acts that the CFCM has continuously denounced and deplored through the National Observatory against Islamophobia which identified an explosion of these acts over 281% in the 2nd half 2015, compared to the same period last year.
The CFCM calls on public authorities to mobilize all the relevant departments and identify the perpetrators of this cowardly act and bring them to justice.
The CFCM denounces acts of violence and terrorism which cannot be justified by any religion or any value. The CFCM rejects any confusion and any stigma that would target French citizens of Muslim faith."
Done at Paris, Monday, August 24, 2015,
Anouar KBIBECH, President of the French Council of the Muslim Faith