France 'not finished with terrorism' says Hollande | Crif - Conseil Représentatif des Institutions Juives de France
Published on 2 January 2016

France 'not finished with terrorism' says Hollande

French PM gives New Year's Eve address, vowing to keep striking ISIS in Syria and Iraq, as Paris fireworks display gets cancelled.

Published on Arutz Sheva December 31, 2015
French President Francois Hollande said in his New Year's Eve address to the nation Thursday that France "has not finished with terrorism yet."
Speaking six weeks after Islamic State (ISIS) gunmen and suicide bombers murdered 130 people in Paris, Hollande said the threat of another attack "remains at its highest level."
After a year in which jihadists also attacked the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket, Hollande said his "first duty" was to protect the French people.
"That means attacking the root of the evil, in Syria and Iraq. That is why we have intensified our air strikes against Daesh," he said, using another name for ISIS.
Hollande said ISIS was suffering from the assault.
"The hits are taking their toll, the jihadists are in retreat, so we will continue as long as necessary," he added.
Hollande said he was "proud" of the French people for showing "solidarity and cool-headedness" after the attacks in January and in the wake of the carnage of November 13.
"Despite this tragedy, France did not give in," Hollande said. "Despite the tears, it remained upright. Confronted by hate, it showed the strength of its values, the values of the Republic"... Read more.
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