Congressional committee expresses concern over sharp rise of anti-Semitism in Europe | Crif - Conseil Représentatif des Institutions Juives de France
Published on 26 October 2015

Congressional committee expresses concern over sharp rise of anti-Semitism in Europe

The Foreign Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives unanimously passed a resolution “regarding the safety and security of Jewish communities in Europe.”

Published on the World Jewish Congress Website October 14, 2015
This follows a hearing of World Jewish Congress leaders in March 2015.
The resolution, pointing to data from the FBI and Jewish Community Security Service in France, noted significant increases in anti-Semitic acts in various European countries. 
In France, home to Europe’s largest Jewish community, the number of anti-Semitic acts rose from 423 to 851 between 2013 and 14. They included acts involving violence, which rose in number from 105 to 241. 
In Britain, an increase in anti-Semitic acts from 535 to 1,168 was recorded, whereas in Germany, recorded incidents rose sharply 788 to 1076.
The resolution also listed several serious incidents from this year, including the January 2015 terror attack at a kosher supermarket in Paris and the February 2015 attack at Copenhagen's main synagogue.
The resolution was introduced by Democratic Congressman Chris Smith, who chairs the House Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights. 
“This resolution is a blueprint for actions that are critical to prevent more deadly attacks on Europe’s Jewish communities,” Smith said in a statement.
“Formal recognition and partnerships between governments and Jewish community groups are key, as we see here in the United States, the United Kingdom, and France”... Read more. ‎
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