Crif press release, January 11, 2021 - Paris
Following the information published by social networks and in local newspapers L'Alsace and L'Est Républicain concerning the allegedly antisemitic behavior of a delivery partner Deliveroo, Crif President Francis Kalifat wished to meet with the Managing Director of Deliveroo in France.
During the video conversation, Melvina Sarfati El Grably affirmed her condemnation of any discriminatory action committed by a provider of Deliveroo.
For the cases mentioned by the press and social networks, the couriers have been identified and an investigation has been carried out by the company to confirm the facts. If they are proven, these acts would have immediate economic and legal consequences. The Director of Deliveroo recalled that deliverers are self-employed governed by service provision contracts.
During the conversation, Mrs. Sarfati El Grably and Francis Kalifat raised the operational, but also legal and societal issues raised by this alleged incident.
Ms. Sarfati El Grably will resume contact with Crif following the internal investigation.
Crif office in Alsace reported the facts to the prosecutor's office through its regional delegate, Pierre Haas, as well as alerted the management of the platform on Sunday evening.
On January 14, the man was tried by the Strasbourg Criminal Court and the acts of this individual were condemned by justice. A verdict worthy of the unacceptable antisemitic act of refusing deliveries to restaurants and customers because they are Jews.
As a civil party, the regional delegate of Crif Alsace, Pierre Haas attended the hearing. He relates the events for us.
"The perpetrator was brought for immediate appearance in front of the Strasbourg Criminal Court on Thursday 14 January.
He is a young Algerian, without residency rights, barely 18 years old, who came to France a few months ago to try to make a career in football. He used, against payment and in an undeclared manner, the Deliveroo account of a third person. Despite this, the police was able to trace him and flush him out very quickly.
He tried by all possible means to deny the facts and his lawyer to cast doubt on his guilt. But the clear testimonials from witnesses and the technology overwhelmed him.
The representative of Crif took the stand to explain that the high media coverage of the case shows that in France such acts are shocking and are refused. But that indeed some countries do not share these values and can instead develop a culture of rejection of the West, France and Jews. However, more and more young migrants are legitimately coming to our country to find a future that they cannot have in their own. It is essential to bring a clear message to their attention, that they must adhere to our values.
The deputy prosecutor, Mr. Chevrier, demonstrated the culpability of the author and recalled the context of the development of antisemitic acts in France and in particular in Strasbourg, recently, to request a heavy sentence of 4 months in prison with a warrant of filing taking into account the expulsion order required by the Prefecture in view of his irregular situation and these facts.
The accused was sentenced to 4 months in prison with a committal warrant and the President clarified that the expulsion order includes the ban on re-entering the national territory for 3 years.
A condemnation loaded with symbol."