Publié le 3 Juillet 2019

Stop Boycott - Terrorists in suits: the anti-boycott campaign that unmasks terrorists

For several weeks, we have been talking about the anti-boycott campaign, Terrorists in Suits. The campaign, launched by the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs, aims to highlight the ties existing between NGOs promoting BDS and Terrorist Organizations.

How terrorists came to hold key positions in NGOs promoting the Boycott Divestment and Sanction (BDS) campaign against the State of Israel?

And how, through these NGOs, they exploit Western governmental funding, philanthropic foundations, financial platforms and civil society to advance their goal of dismantling the State of Israel?

These are the questions that the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs attempts to answer through the Terrorists in suits report. The purpose of Terrorists in Suits? Exposing the ties between organizations promoting the anti-Israeli boycott and terrorist groups such as Hamas, or the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFPL).

The campaign has several goals. The first one is to raise government funding and financial platforms awarness about what they are really funding. By providing funds to a pro-boycott NGO, it is possible to actually fund a major branch of a terrorist organization such as Hamas or Islamic Jihad. 
The second objective is to inform the academic and institutional community of direct links between pro-BDS activists regularly invited by Universities and European institutions, and the terrorist organizations to which they are linked.
Finally, the last goal is to alert civil society on the dangerous and illegal interweaving between movements that proclaim themselves pacifist and terrorist organizations firmly condemned by Western societies.
"For years, the boycott promoters disguised themselves as" human rights activists. "They managed to raise tens of millions of euros from Western countries and citizens who thought they could contribute to actions in favor of justice and equality. However, over time, we have revealed that supposedly human rights NGOs are in fact filled with anti-Semitic actors with close links to terrorist groups determined to destroy their rights. As a result of our actions, countries and financial institutions are beginning to distance themselves from these organizations. Our efforts have seriously undermined the boycott campaign, and the first sanction is an effective financial sanction. " 
Gilad Erdan, Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs
Based on information revealed by the relevant intelligence services, the Ministry of Strategic Affairs has highlighted 30 direct links between pro-BDS NGOs and terrorist organizations.
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