Publié le 13 Février 2017

#Crif - Meeting with Yaakov Litzman, Israeli Minister of Health

Mr Yaakov Litzman, Israeli minister of health, met with a group of representatives of the French Jewish community during his stay in Paris on January 17th.

Yonathan Arfi, vice-President of the CRIF, was here on behalf of the CRIF, in a group also formed Haïm Korsia, France Great Rabbi, Joël Mergui, president of the Consistoire, Régis Folbaum for the FSJU.
Her Excellence Aliza Bin-Noun, Israel ambassador in France and Marc Attali, ministre plénipotentiaire à l'ambassade d'Israël à Paris, also attended the meeting.
The discussion focused on the hospital environment in Israel, diploma equivalence for healthcare professionals and questions related to organ transplant. La discussion a notamment porté sur le système hospitalier en Israël, les équivalences de diplômes pour les professionnels de santé et les questions liées au don d'organes.