Communiqués de presse
Publié le 14 Juin 2016

#Crif - Magnanville. Crif press release : the Crif horrified by the murder of police couple

CRIF expresses its solidarity with the french police and its condolences to the family.

The fight against islamist terrorism concerns the entire world

The Crif condemns the murder of a police couple, last night in Magnanville (Yvelines), by a terrorist claiming his allegiance to the Islamic State (Isis).
This murder was perpetrated with an incredibly frightening barbarism. It shows that Islamist terrorism is knocking today at the door of every French people and can hit them indiscriminately.
The Crif calls for the criminalization of social networks and urges French civil society to mobilize against the islamic radicalization on the Internet, which promotes the emergence of new terrorists, in France itself.
A few days after the attacks in Tel-Aviv and Orlando, this attack is one more evidence that the fight against islamist terrorism concerns the entire world.
The Crif expresses its solidarity with the French Police and presents its condolences to the family of the victims.