Le CRIF en action
Publié le 23 Décembre 2014

Fight against Cyber hate

By Marc Knobel, Director of Studies of CRIF

A seminar organized by CRIF: "What should we do to fight against anti-Semitism, racism and hatred on the Internet? Call for action”

CRIF organized a seminar to review progress on the fight against hatred on the Internet and hear experts in the field of cybercrime on Wednesday, November the 19, 2014.

Google and Facebook representatives participated to the event.

Lawyers, judges, police officers, sociologists, political scientists, Internet professionals, representatives of ministries attended the meeting, along with Roger Cukierman, President of CRIF, Francis Kalifat and Yonathan Arfi, CRIF Vice Presidents, Robert Ejnès, Executive Director of CRIF, Anais Juin, Head of CRIF digital team and Marc Knobel, Director of Research of CRIF.

In recent years, anti-Semitic or racist content have developed on social networks. On Twitter, the hashtag #unbonjuif had attracted a record number of anti-Semitic tweets. This was denounced by many associations that sued Twitter in judicial court and force the network to communicate to the judge data to identify the perpetrators of racist and anti-Semitic tweets. After months of legal battle, the social network company had finally to deliver "data which may enable identification of some authors' of anti-Semitic tweets. At the annual dinner of CRIF in 2013, Francois Hollande, spoke out against the dissemination of messages with racist and anti-Semitic on social networks. In June 2012, Christiane Taubira asked prosecutors to implement a "dynamic and offensive" criminal policy. Were these statements heard and did they lead to concrete initiatives?

Participants of the seminar included Philippe Allouche, Director General of the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah (FMS); Nathalie Bécache, prosecutor of Créteil; Thierry Berthier, lecturer at the University of Limoges; Laurent Burin des Roziers, Adviser to the Minister of the Interior, responsible for Prospective and Worship; Philippe Coen, President of ECLA (European Company Lawyers Association), Founding President of the Hate Prevention Initiative; Isabelle Cohen, Project Manager at the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah (FMS); Jean Corcos, Chairman and Delegate of the Commission for Relations with Muslims at CRIF; Michael Ghnassia, lawyer of SOS Racism; Thibault Guiroy, Google France; Régis Guyot, Prefect, Interministerial Delegate for the Fight against Racism and Anti-Semitism since the creation of this office in February 2012; Bernard Jouanneau, Lawyer, President of 2000 Memory; Hervé Kabla, CEO of Be Angels, communications agency; Pierre-Yves Lebeau, police commander, chief of the PHAROS project put in place since 2006 in the OCLCTIC (Central Directorate of the Judicial Police / Sub-Directorate for the Fight against Cybercrime) to centralize reports of illegal content on the Internet; Stéphane Lilti, UEJF's lawyer and J'ACCUSE, author of the main proceedings against the ISPs in France; Myriam Quemener, Judge at the Court of Appeal of Versailles, a member of the parliamentary committee on digital, author of articles and books on cybercrime expert for the Council of Europe and the Union European; Ron Rafaeli, Director General of Protection Service of the Jewish Community (SPCJ) Delphine Reyre, Director of Public Affairs at Facebook; Philippe Schmidt, President of the INACH (International Network Against Cyberhate) whose mission is to fight discrimination and hatred on the Internet; Alice Tajchman, Associate Professor of Universities. Technical Adviser to the Cabinet Jack Lang, Minister of Education.