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French Prime minister : "Anti-Zionism synonymous with anti-Semitism"

10 March 2016

More than 850 guests, including many senior French politicians, attended the annual dinner of the CRIF in Paris.

Message from the Conference of Presidents on the occasion of the CRIF 2016 diner

10 March 2016

"Roger Cukierman has demonstrated exemplary and courageous leadership during very difficult times".

France's prime minister says he understands Jews' fear

08 March 2016

Valls expressed his "solidarity" toward French Jews and strongly condemned anti-Semitism.

Roger Cukierman's speech to CRIF dinner March 7, 2016

06 March 2016

Mr. Prime minister, in the country which first granted full citizenship to Jews in 1791, when will we live again our Jewishness without fear?

The CRIF invited by the British protection service of the Jewish community

06 March 2016

Roger Cukierman, President of CRIF, attended, Thursday, March 3, 2016, in London,  the CST's annual dinner.

The Jews of France : Lessons From History

05 March 2016

Over the past year the Jews of France have again been in the headlines, and for all the wrong reasons.
