Published on 8 March 2016

France's prime minister says he understands Jews' fear

Valls expressed his "solidarity" toward French Jews and strongly condemned anti-Semitism.

Published in the San Fransisco Chronicle March 7, 2016
France's Socialist Prime Minister Manual Valls says he understands French Jews' fear amid heightened religious tension in the country after attacks by Islamic extremists in Paris last year.
Valls expressed his "solidarity" toward French Jews and strongly condemned anti-Semitism whether it comes from the "far-left" or the "far-right" at an event Monday organized by the country's main Jewish organization.
"Yes, Jews of France are afraid to wear the kippa (the traditional skull cap), to go to the synagogue, to do shopping in a kosher market, to send their children to public school. That's a reality, and a reality we do not accept," Valls said at the annual dinner of the CRIF Jewish Council.
Many high ranking French politicians as well as Catholic and Muslim religious leaders attended the event.