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Outrage as French far right invited to Catholic conference

31 August 2015

French Christian groups were outraged this week after a member of the country’s far-right National Front (FN), and granddaughter of the party’s founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, was invited to speak at a Catholic summer conference.

A double-edged boycott

31 August 2015

People in Europe are starting to wake up to the true nature of the BDS campaign. If Israel can create the right policies, the fight against the boycott isn’t lost.

Man held for throwing objects at French synagogue guards

31 August 2015

Soldiers subdue inebriated suspect; incident takes place in Paris suburb of Auvervilliers.

French prosecutor says train gunman had ‘terrorist intent’

27 August 2015

An investigation into "attempted murder with terrorist intent" was opened.

France issues warrant for 1982 Jewish restaurant terror attack suspect

27 August 2015

Six people were killed and 22 injured.

ISIS Enshrines a Theology of Rape

27 August 2015

Claiming the Quran’s support, the Islamic State codifies sex slavery in conquered regions of Iraq and Syria and uses the practice as a recruiting tool.
