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UNESCO'S resolution : the Archbishop of Pris wrote to Crif

25 May 2016
Cardinal André Vingt-Trois addressed a letter to Roger Cukierman in which he expressed his "incomprehension" and "sorrow", following the text recently voted and denying the Jewish character of the Kotel.

Netanyahu : "I'm willing to have one-on-one meeting with Abbas"

23 May 2016
In press conference with French PM, the Israeli premier stresses direct negotiations are 'the only way to proceed to peace,' offering a different initiative to the French.

French PM Valls inaugurates Israel's latest - and largest - solar field

23 May 2016
The President of Crif, Roger Cukierman is a member of the delegation of the Prime Minister.

French-Jewish leader : release of Paris synagogue bomber ‘scandalous and irresponsible’

19 May 2016
CRIF president Roger Cukierman condemns the release of Hassan Diab.

Crif in action : CRIF met with Jean-Marc Ayrault, French minister of Foreign affairs, on the eve of his departure for Israel

17 May 2016
Roger Cukierman reiterated his criticism of the French vote at Unesco and his disappointment with the answers.

Crif Executive Board in Israel meets with PM Netanyahu

13 May 2016
During a very intense mission from May 3 to 6 2016, the delegation had many political meetings in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
