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Fausses rumeurs, photos ou vidéos truquées… les fausses informations, ou fake news, inondent le net. La désinformation va parfois plus loin, prenant la forme de théories à l’apparence scientifique.

L'exposition CHAGALL, LISSITZKY, MALÉVITCH...L'AVANT-GARDE RUSSE À VITEBSK (1918-1922) est à découvrir juqu'au 16 juillet 2018 au Centre Pompidou.

Scoop : l’appel au boycott est illégal en France


Et vous, comment définiriez-vous l’humour juif ?

Pour vous donner le goût des vacances, le Crif vous fait voyager et lance sur ses réseaux la campagne "Juifs du Monde". Ensemble, partons à la découverte des populations juives du monde, de leurs histoires et de leurs traditions. Aujourd’hui, embarquement immédiat pour Hong Kong !


This week most read articles

News feed

2015 Exodus: Almost 10,000 Jews Fled to Israel From W. Europe Terror

17 January 2016

In 2015, almost 10,000 Jews — the highest annual number ever — fled to Israel to escape the escalating terrorist attacks in western Europe.

2015 Exodus: Almost 10,000 Jews Fled to Israel From W. Europe Terror

17 January 2016

In 2015, almost 10,000 Jews — the highest annual number ever — fled to Israel to escape the escalating terrorist attacks in western Europe.

Ronald Lauder: Since Paris attacks, terrorism remains undiminished

17 January 2016

"Jews continue to be prime targets for terrorist attacks. In Israel, in Europe, in the United States, and in many other places."

Ronald Lauder: Since Paris attacks, terrorism remains undiminished

17 January 2016

"Jews continue to be prime targets for terrorist attacks. In Israel, in Europe, in the United States, and in many other places."

Charlie Hebdo editor says ‘we realised we were all Jewish’ after November 13 attack

17 January 2016

"No-one questions when Jews are killed"

Charlie Hebdo editor says ‘we realised we were all Jewish’ after November 13 attack

17 January 2016

"No-one questions when Jews are killed"
