Published on 28 March 2016

Roger Cukierman honored at AIPAC

Roger Cukierman was honored at AIPAC for his years of commitment to the Jewish community of France and its support for Israel.

Roger Cukierman was honored at AIPAC for his years of commitment to the Jewish community of France and its support for Israel.
The ceremony took place in the presence of the Ambassador of France to the United States, Gerard Araud.
"AIPAC usually never gives prices, said Stephen Schneider, director of international relations of AIPAC." But your outstanding leadership was demonstrated in particularly critical circumstances, for nearly 10 years, and that's why we wanted to let you know that you have all our admiration. "
Roger Cukierman, very moved, congratulated AIPAC for its ability to bring together all the friends of Israel, Jews and non-Jews,  politicians, business leaders or active citizens, all committed to the defense of democracies.
Roger Cukierman and Eve Gani attended the AIPAC Convention, who hosted this year more than 18000 participants in Washington.