Number of anti-Semitic and racist acts : 2015, a "standard" hate year ? | Crif - Conseil Représentatif des Institutions Juives de France
Published on 20 January 2016

Number of anti-Semitic and racist acts : 2015, a "standard" hate year ?

Crif calls on all actors of civil society to live the Republican brotherhood through field initiatives.

Press release, January 19, 2016
Following the publication of the first statistics of anti-Semitic and racist acts in 2015, Crif expresses concern both for the inability of the French society to contain the surge of hatred and for disintegration of living together principles.
Roger Cukierman, President of CRIF : "While we would have hoped that 2015 marks an awareness and a start, it is terrifying to see the contrary, both incrustation of anti-Semitism in our society at an extremely high standard, with more violent acts, and a disturbing surge in acts against Muslims, reflecting a trivialization of hate."
The published figures show indeed about 800 anti-Semitic acts (stable compared to 2014) and 400 acts against Muslims (up sharply).
While emphasizing that anti-Semitism and racism each have a specific mechanism and require specific treatment, Crif in concerned about the combine impact of these phenomena on the disintegration of living-together in France. It calls on all actors of civil society to live the Republican brotherhood through field initiatives so that 2016+ will not be a year of ordinary hatred.
CRIF again welcomes the mobilization of the security forces throughout 2015 to protect synagogues and Jewish schools, but also places of worship of all faiths facing terrorist threats.
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