Published on 2 February 2016

Meeting with EU MEPs

Roger Cukierman expressed his dismay at the intention of the European Commission to label Israeli goods.

On Wednesday, January 20, 2016, the President of CRIF Roger Cukierman met in Strasbourg with French members of EU Parliament to discuss the issue of anti-Semitism and the contribution of Europe in the fight against prejudice and violence. Roger Cukierman expressed also his dismay at the intention expressed by the European Commission to label Israeli goods.
With the support of the member Philippe Juvin , proeminent members of the parliament were present including former ministers Brice Hortefeux and Nadine Morano , Jean-Marie Cavada , Renaud Muselier whom with a long exchange took place about the politcal and security situation in Marseille , Sylvie Goulard , Constance Grip, Anne Sander, Elisabeth Morin- Chartier, Michel Dantin , Jean-Paul Denanot and Nathalie Griesbeck .