Published on 29 March 2016

French Gorvernment launches an awareness campaign against racism and anti-semitism

The CRIF participates.

"Racism, anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim acts. It begins with words, it ends up with strokes, with blood". The same message is ending six videos, featuring racist or anti-Semitic attacks. On the eve of the World Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the french government launched a shock campaign to expose prejudices and raise awareness.
The campaign, which refers to the hashtag #TousUnisContrelaHaine, was launched at the request of the French Prime Minister and the French Ministry of Education. Manuel Valls also echoed many of these spots on Twitter. "With the #TousUnisContrelaHaine campaign, the government wants to raise awareness of the unacceptability of this situation," he said in a statement. After the attacks against Charlie Hebdo and Hypercacher in January 2015, Manuel Valls had insisted on the fact that the French Jews "should not be afraid of being Jewish" and "French Muslims should no longer be ashamed of being Muslims."
The website dedicated to this campaign reminds victims that they may file complaints with the police. For illegal content online, the government invites users to make a report on the "Pharos" online platform. "The law prohibits and punishes racism and anti-Semitism in all its forms," explains the Website #TousUnisContrelaHaine.
The spots will be on french television channels until April 10.