Published on 25 January 2015

During the crisis : crisis meeting of the Jewish community


Paris, January the 9th 2015
Since the announcement of the attack against Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday morning, Roger Cukierman, President of CRIF has called for an emergency meeting of the members of the CRIF Steering Committee and the Presidents of all Jewish organizations in France, including those are not members of the CRIF
Nearly 60 people representing a large part of the associations of the Jewish community responded to the call of the CRIF, including Meyer Habib, Member of French Parliament, Joel Mergui, President of the Consistory, Eric de Rothschild, Chairman of SPCJ and Memorial of the Shoah, Richard Prasquier, Honorary Chairman of CRIF, Edward Amiach, President of UPJF, Jean-François Guthman, President of the OSE . Ariel Goldmann, President of FSJU and Marc Eisenberg, President of AIU, were represented. The Chief Rabbi of France, Haim Korchia, apologized, held by other commitments.
Roger Cukierman detailed the contact he has had with the authorities and associations of civil society; he outlined the requests to make with the authorities in the context of the rise of anti-Semitism. Tali, new director of the SPCJ, presented special measures taken under the circumstances of crisis for synagogues and schools in particular.
The meeting ended up with discussion where everyone was able to make his remarks, questions, and suggestions. The discussion focused on the need to condemn radical Islamism.
Finally, Roger Cukierman called to participate to the national demonstration in Paris and throughout France.
The same assembly convened on Saturday night for an update of the situation.


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