Published on 12 February 2019

Antisemitism - Crif calls for a national bounce against antisemitism

President Francis Kalifat calls for a "national bounce against anti-Semitism." He stresses that "beyond being a threat to Jews, anti-Semitism is a signal of the democratic weakening of our country.
The French Minister of the Interior Christophe Castaner announced that anti-Semitic acts increased by 74% in 2018. This reflects a disturbing release of anti-Jewish hatred.
Portraits of Simone Veil desecrated with swastikas, grove in memory of Ilan Halimi vandalized, tag JUDEN on a shop window in Paris ... the last days alone testify of the banalization and violence of anti-Semitism in France in 2019.
Crif recalls that these statistics do not include acts that did not lead to a complaint, or anti-Semitic publications on Internet. Therefore, they only reflect very partially the reality of the "everyday's anti-Semitism" faced by the French Jews.
Crif is concerned about the violence of anti-Semitism on social networks, which contributes to the rooting of anti-Semitism and conspiracy in the minds of younger generations.
For Crif, the general plans set up to fight against hatred unfortunately seem ineffective. It is now necessary to provide targeted responses to each of the hatreds that tear our society apart.
President Francis Kalifat calls for a "national bounce against anti-Semitism." He stresses that "beyond being a threat to Jews, anti-Semitism is a signal of the democratic weakening of our country. On the eve of the anniversary of the assassination of Ilan Halimi, Crif is hoping for a welcome bounce from the French society to break up the wall of indifference that surrounds anti-Semitism. "