• Aujourd'hui, c'est l'ouverture de la Coupe du monde de football ! Au-delà de l'engouement populaire international qu'il suscite, cet événement sportif présente aussi un risque fort de dérapages et de violences racistes. Décryptage.

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  • CRIF
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  • CRIF
  • L'historienne Diane Afoumado publie "Indésirables: 1938 : La conférence d'Evian et les réfugiés juifs". A l'occasion d'un entretien avec le Crif, elle fait le point sur la crise des réfugiés Juifs dans les années 1930.

  • [ Stop Boycott ]
    HAIFA, Israel. As the unofficial cease-fire between Israel and Hamas showed signs of unraveling Sunday, the Philadelphia Orchestra played the first of

  • [ Stop Boycott ]

  • [ Les Amis du CRIF ]

  • “Ce matin, j'ai contacté le chef de cabinet du Ministre de l'Intérieur @gerardcollomb suite à une cérémonie organisée pour nommer une allée au nom de la Nakba. Voici le courrier adressé ce jour par le Préfet du Val-d'Oise au maire de Bezons.”

  • [ Les Amis du CRIF ]
    #Crif - Communiqué de presse du Crif, 12 juin 2018

    Le Maire de Bezons a dépassé les bornes !

    Le Maire de Bezons a organisé une cérémonie pour nommer une rue au nom de la Nakba (avec un panneau public en arabe).
    Cette cérémonie et les inscriptions sur la plaque apposée sont choquantes et inacceptables, qualifiant entre autre David Ben Gourion de "criminel de guerre" qui aurait appelé à l'expulsion des arabes, ce qui est historiquement faux.

    Pour Francis Kalifat, Président du Crif, "ces déclarations sont fausses, choquantes, irresponsables et dangereuses. Elles encouragent les violences antisémites qui sévissent actuellement en les justifiant historiquement."

    Le Crif demande le retrait immédiat de ces plaques de rues qui provoquent une vive émotion et qui attisent la haine en important dans le Val d'Oise un conflit étranger avec un objectif populiste.

This week most read articles

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Fight against radicalization: France seeks to face the jihadist threat

11 July 2014

On Thursday June 26, 2014, CRIF Marseille-Provence held its annual dinner with Bernard Cazeneuve, Minister of Interior, as guest of honor. His speech mainly addressed the issue of fighting anti-Semitism and radicalization: "Education in all its forms is the only effective remedy".

JJAC Congress in Paris

11 July 2014

CRIF joined JJAC to inform policy makers on the issue of Jews from Arab countries in a concerted action in Paris on June 11 and 12, 2014. JJAC delegates from the United States, Canada, Great Britain and France were received at the Alliance Israelite Universelle to review archives for Jews from Arab countries. 

French politicians condemned the kidnapping and assassination of Eyal Yifrach, Naftali Frenkel and Gilad Shaer

11 July 2014

Minister of Foreign affairs and Development Laurent Fabius declared "I condemn the kidnapping of three young Israelis in the West Bank and shares the concerns of families and Israeli authorities. I call for their immediate release. All efforts must converge towards this goal. France is particularly concerned about the increasing violence during the recent days in the West Bank and Gaza. 

UNESCO Director-General calls for the protection of all religious heritage in Syria, after the destruction of historical synagogue in Damascus

30 May 2014

The UNESCO Director-General, Irina Bokova, has learnt with dismay of the destruction of the historical synagogue of Eliyahu Hanabi in Damascus.

“The destruction of the oldest synagogue in Syria is a new blow against its religious and cultural heritage, which has already suffered tremendous damage.

Canadian Jewish Community Deeply Saddened, Appalled, and Concerned By Murders in Belgium, Attack in Paris

30 May 2014

Four people murdered after shooting at Jewish Museum in Brussels, Belgium. Two of the four victims confirmed to be Israelis. Two Jews assaulted in front of synagogue in Paris.

In response, David Koschitzky, Chair of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), issued the following statement: “The Jewish community of Canada is deeply saddened and appalled by the senseless loss of life in Brussels yesterday afternoon. 

South African Jewish Board of Deputies to CRIF: “We assure the French Jewish community of our support and concern”

30 May 2014

Dear Roger

On behalf of the Jewish community of South Africa, we wish to record our outrage over the vicious assault of two Jewish worshipers outside a synagogue in Paris on Saturday evening and to assure the French Jewish community of our support and concern during this difficult time. 
