The CRIF in action
Published on 19 March 2007

Jacques Chirac: never compromise with extremism!

In his speech to the nation, announcing that he would not be standing for a third presidential term, Jacques Chirac called on the French people to never compromise “with extremism, racism, anti-Semitism or the rejection of those different from (our)selves. In the course of our history, extremism has already led us almost to the brink. It is a poison. It divides, it perverts, it destroys. Everything in France’s soul says no to extremism.”

Questioned by the Jewish monthly “Tribune Juive”, Roger Cukierman was keen to “pay tribute to the historic action of remembrance” undertaken by the President of the Republic. The President of CRIF recalled that Jacques Chirac “had recognized France’s responsibility for the acts committed by the Vichy government, and in particular the deportation of Jews. (…) He has always steadfastly refused the slightest compromise with the National Front. (…) Finally, he was a model of commitment to the fight against anti-Semitic acts.” “Jacques Chirac deserves our respect and admiration for his attitude beyond reproach toward the Jews,” said Roger Cukierman.

The President of CRIF nevertheless regretted the sometimes complex relationship between the President and the State of Israel but concluded saying that there is today a better harmony in this area.