Published on 26 November 2019

ConvCrif - The DigiTell network takes Paris over

For its tenth edition, Crif national Convention has proposed dozens of conferences and round tables around the theme "A divided France: can we gather against antisemitism?". Among them, a workshop dedicated to the fight against Israel delegitimization and BDS in Europe, a workshop led by the European members of the DigiTell network.
This year, during its National Convention, Crif wanted to emphasize its commitment in the fight against the BDS and Israel delegitimization. Thus, Crif offered to the European members of the DigiTell network to take part in the Convention during a workshop: "Fight against the delegitimization of Israel and the BDS in Europe".
The DigiTell Network was created in 2018 by the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs. It brings together a hundred of digital experts on Israel, from 18 different countries. Crif joined DigiTell a year ago and regularly participates in the meetings.
To introduce the workshop, Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs spokesman Ben Moore presented the Ministry's latest report, "BDS: Behind the Mask," which reveals how the BDS promotes anti-Semitism. The report lists some 100 examples of how anti-Semitism is rooted in the ideology of boycott movements. This report, translated into French, was given to the participants of the workshop.
DigiTell members were then able to explain to the public how Israel's hatred happens in their country and the tools they have to fight against it, on the Internet and in the public space. 
Among the speakers, Robert Ejnes, Crif Executive Director, Marie-Sarah Seeberger, Crif Editorial Manager, Aras-Nathan Keul, President of the Germany-Israel Friendship Student Association, Elkan Van der Raaf, from the Information and Documentation Center of Israel from the Netherlands, and Romeu Monteiro, a committed activist for Israel in Portugal. Representatives of Bnai Brith International and the World Jewish Congress were also present.
After the Convention, Crif invited DigiTell to its office for a meeting with the digital department, then at Facebook France headquarter where the group was received by the Public Relations team for a question-and-answer session. DigiTell members then embarked on an Instagram creative campaign simulation around the theme "Food Is-Real".
This meeting in Paris, friendly called DigiFrance, has strengthened the relationship established over the months through the DigiTell network.

The workshop "Fighting BDS and Israel delegitimization in Europe" and the DigiFrance in a few tweets: