CRIF also paid tribute to the Jewish victims Myriam, Jonathan, Arie and Gavriel, as well as to the other victims of Mohamed Merah, soldiers Imad Ibn Zlaten, Abel Chenouf, and Mohamed Leguad, as well as to Ilan Halimi, the young Jew tortured in Paris area 6 years ago. Candles were lit and a text was recited by youth movement members during the ceremony.
The rally was concluded by speeches from Roger Cukierman, Bernard Henry-Levy and Manuel Valls. The speech of Manuel Valls was very supportive of the Jewish Community and addressed anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism. (See the video)
Another special event was organized in Toulouse, with the participation of philosopher Alain Finkelkraut, President of the European Parliament Martin Schultz and French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault.
CRIF warned about anti-Semitism becoming a commonplace after the Dieudonné case.
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