The CRIF in action
Published on 18 May 2009

Durban II: in the end, a deceptive semblance of calm?

(…) The heavy malaise caused by the Iranian President destroyed African and Asian solidarity with the Organisation of the Islamic Conference. This gave the West and certain African and Latin American countries the opportunity to propose and obtain the adoption of a Final Declaration, drafted by the Russian facilitator. This moderate text contained no reference to the Middle East and Israel or any reference to the notion of blasphemy against Islam.
(…) Special mention needs to be made of the fact that, despite the pressures from the OIC, the paragraph stating that “the Holocaust must never be forgotten” was maintained.

The intergovernmental conference, with the participation of NGO’s accredited by the UN, including CRIF, ended with a semblance of calm. But this calm may prove to be deceptive if Iran and the OIC countries decide to get their revenge, particularly in the Human Rights Council.

Gérard Fellous