In a letter sent to the Minister, Crif President hopes that the arrival of the vaccine will open a window of hope for families separated since the beginning of the sanitary crisis.
On December 19th, during the annual Miss France election ceremony, April Benayoum was the target of antisemitic comments because of her origins, in particular on the social network Twitter. Crif reacted immediately and strongly condemned these antisemitics messages. The Crif has initiated legal proceedings.
For the fifth year in a row, Crif has joined forces with the World Jewish Congress for the #WeRemember campaign, which aims to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust around the world.
The trial of the January 2015 attacks has come to an end. Crif President Francis Kalifat attended much of the trial hearings, including those on Hyper Cacher attack. Today, he looks back on the historic trial of terrorism, but also of antisemitism in France.
The Crif expresses its deepest condolences to the family of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks. The former Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth of Nations passed away on Saturday, November 7.
150 years ago, on October 24, 1870, the Crémieux Decree was promulgated, granting French citizenship to the 37,000 Jews of Algeria. Didier Nébot looks back on this major event in the history of the Jews of Algeria.