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#Crif - Francis Kalifat met with President Macron and European Jewish Congress President Moshe Kantor

21 November 2017
A delegation from the European Jewish Congress (EJC), led by President Dr. Moshe Kantor, met with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris. The delegation included Francis Kalifat, president of Crif.

#Crif - Crif International Relations Commitee invited Evan Bernstein from ADL NYC office

20 November 2017
On November 20th, Crif International Relations Committee met with Evan Bernstein, Regional Director - New York of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), along with Yonathan Arfi, Vice President of the Crif and Chair of the International Relations Committee.

#Crif - French media and their covering of anti-Semitism

07 November 2017
Over the last few weeks, French media have dedicated a very important amount of papers to their new favorite subject: anti-Semitism.

#Crif - Italian Football Federation discussed with the European Jewish Congress

30 October 2017
Last week, the European Jewish Congress sent a letter to the Italian Football Federation following the recent anti-Semitic actions from the supporters of the Lazio club.

#Crif - Ariel Muzicant, Head of the Austrian Jewish Community (IKG) answered Crif questions

20 October 2017
Following the Austrian elections and the rise of the conservative party, Crif discussed with the head of the Austrian Jewish Community (Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien), Ariel Muzicant.

#Crif - Crif wishes you great Tishri's holidays

09 October 2017
Crif is happy to wish you Shana Tova for the jewish new year! We hope you all spend great Tishri's holidays.
