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#Crif #Auschwitz - Waiting

08 February 2018
On February 4, 2018, Crif organized a memory trip to the Auschwitz-Birkenau camps. More than 200 people participated in this exceptional day, which marked everyone's memories. A delegation of officials and public figures also accompanied the president of Crif, Francis Kalifat. Throughout the week, Crif invites you to live or relive this memorable journey so that we become all the witnesses of the witnesses.

#Crif #Poland - Crif opposes law to decline Poland's responsability in the Holocaust

31 January 2018
On Friday 26 of January, Polish lawmakers passed a law sanctioning the use of the term "Polish death camps". Prosecutions may also be brought against anyone who "attributes to the Polish nation or state the responsibility or co-responsibility for the crimes committed by the German Third Reich [...]". Crif wants to express his indignation at such a law.

#Crif - Crif calls on authorities to take action following spate of antisemitic incidents

18 January 2018
Crif calls on public authorities in France to take immediate action against those attacking Jews.

#Crif #WeRemember - Join the #WeRemember campaign for International Holocaust Remembrance Day

16 January 2018
For the second year in a row, Crif associates with the World Jewish Congress for the #WeRemember campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the Holocaust and commemorate Holocaust victims around the world.

#Crif - Interview with Josef Schuster, President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany

12 January 2018
Since Donald Trump's announcement on the status of Jerusalem, Germany is facing a new wave of anti-Semitism. Crif has been pleased to speak with Josef Schuster, the President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany (Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland), to discuss on the situation of the German Jewish community.

#Crif #2018 - Crif wishes you Happy New Year!

29 December 2017
Crif has been very happy to live 2017 with you. We are mostly excited to see what will happen in 2018!


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