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#News - Crif welcomes the decline of racist and antisemitic acts in 2016 in France and calls for vigilance against the new faces of hatred

13 February 2017
Crif notes with satisfaction a significant decrease in racist and anti-Semitic acts and threats in France in 2016 and the corresponding decrease in anti-Muslim acts.

#News - Crif strongly condemns the meeting between leaders of the National Front and a small Jewish association in France

13 February 2017
Crif has learned with indignation the meeting between leaders of the National Front and representatives of an alleged Jewish French organization.

#Crif - Press release Stop the discrimination of Israel

01 December 2016
Crif strongly condemns the decision of the French government to apply double labeling of Israeli products.

First anniversary of November 13th : Francis Kalifat's Editorial

13 November 2016
Sunday marked one year since the attacks.

#CRIF - French Jews hold protest against France's decision to abstain in key UNESCO vote on Jerusalem

28 October 2016
France's Jewish umbrella bodies on Thursday rallied opposite the French Foreign Ministry in Paris to protest France's failure to vote against UNESCO resolutions that ignore Jewish ties to Jerusalem.

#CRIF : The President of CRIF Francis Kalifat invited by Jean-Marc Ayrault, French Minister of foreign affairs

26 October 2016
Francis Kalifat has been received on Friday October 21st by the French Minister of foreign affairs Jean-Marc Ayrault at the Minister's invitation.
