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5th local Convention of CRIF Marseille -Provence "Tolerance and Living Together"

08 October 2015

October 18, 2015 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Press release : Crif is outraged and horrified by the terrorists attacks in Israel

08 October 2015

CRIF is outraged and horrified by the attacks that occured these last days in Israel.

Video : Alain Juppe invited to the Friends of CRIF

08 October 2015

Friends of CRIF invited Alain Juppe, Mayor of Bordeaux and ex-Prime minister of France, on September 8, 2015.

Frans Timmermans, Vice President of the European Commission, received Roger Cukierman, President of CRIF; he announced the imminent appointment of a European Coordinator for the fight against anti-Semitism

08 October 2015

Roger Cukierman participated at the first Conference of the European Commission dedicated to the combat against anti-Semitism and hatred against Muslims.

CRIF filed complains to Paris City Hall

08 October 2015

Roger Cukierman, President of CRIF, expressed several times in recent weeks his disappointment : 

Friends of CRIF: Panel discussion with Alain Weill October 14

02 October 2015

An exceptional meeting moderated by Claude Askolovitch.
