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Partout en France, des crayons, des stylos et des feutres ont été brandis, les seules armes du courage et de la liberté contre d'autres armes qui tuent, qui souillent, qui meurtrissent à tout jamais.


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Roots and development of the Iranian regime’s anti-Semitism

01 September 2015

"How can you wish to get rid of Israel and at the same time acknowledge the truth of the Holocaust? That is impossible"

Obama's nuclear agreement with Iran is tragically reminiscent of the Munich agreement in 1938

01 September 2015

"It was negotiated from a position of weakness by a leader willing to concede nearly everything to appease an ideological dictator"

Israel and the United States: Time for a Parallel Agreement

31 August 2015

Because the nuclear agreement with Iran is so problematic, a bilateral parallel agreement between the United States and Israel is imperative. 

I Saw Hamas' Cruel and Selfish Game in Gaza

31 August 2015

Polish reporter Wojciech Cegielski spent a month in Gaza during last summer's war. He has no doubt Hamas used people as human shields.

The Oldest Hatred, by John Mann

31 August 2015

Solid bricks in a wall against ignorance

The Matisyahu affair: In Europe, conflating Jew and Israel

31 August 2015

“The borderline of what is acceptable behavior toward Jews is shifting in Europe, and the people moving it are using Israel as one of their main vehicles”
