Tous les auteurs

Billet d’Ariel Amar*, pharmacien


Dimanche 19 avril, le Crif et le Mémorial de la Shoah ont organisé une cérémonie virtuelle pour commémorer le 77ème anniversaire du Soulèvement du ghetto de Varsovie. Un moment très émouvant au cours duquel, ensemble, nous avons rendu hommage aux Hommes qui se sont soulevés pour leur liberté.

Bienvenue sur le blog La Chronique (pas tès casher) de Raphaela ! Sur ce blog, Raphaela vous propose ses billets d'humeur sur tout ce qui l'entoure, l'émeut, la touche, la fait rire et la révolte. Et elle a des choses à vous dire...


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News feed

Crif Executive Board in Israel meets with PM Netanyahu

13 May 2016
During a very intense mission from May 3 to 6 2016, the delegation had many political meetings in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

Paris Peace Conference on the Middle East on June 3rd, 2016. Press release of Crif

27 April 2016

"The Crif recalls its support for a just and lasting peace that guarantees the non-negotiable security of the State of Israel and that will lead to the creation of a Palestinian state."

Fight against terrorism and cyber hate : Crif training of Facebook moderators

27 April 2016

The objective of this meeting was to build awareness and understanding at Facebook about the dangers of anti-Semitism contents on social networks.

Crif training about the expression of anti-Semitism on Twitter

27 April 2016

This training was provided by Marc Knobel, Director of the Crif Studies.

Roger Cukierman, President of Crif, meets with Egyptian Ambassador in Paris

27 April 2016

"I can only agree with you on the importance of safeguarding the Egyptian Jewish heritage."

French government indicates giant bank violates anti-BDS law

27 April 2016

President of Crif told the Post : "The boycott of Israel is forbidden by law” in France. The BDS France account should be closed".
